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At St Simon's Catholic Primary School we believe in participation for all. We want all children and adults to participate in learning and we celebrate all members of our community. We aim to create an inclusive culture in our school where we are responsive to the diversity of children's backgrounds, interests, experiences, knowledge and skills. 

We value high quality teaching for all learners and actively monitor teaching and learning in the school to ensure we are providing this for all pupils. We aim to create a learning environment which is flexible enough to meet the needs of all members of our school community. 

At St Simon's Catholic Primary School we follow the principles of inclusion as outlined in the 'Code of Practice for Special Education Needs 2014':

  • To ensure all pupils are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum.
  • All pupils will be given the opportunity to reach their full potential educationally, emotionally and physically. 
  • All teachers views themselves of teachers of pupils with special education needs, teaching such pupils is a whole school responsibility.
  • All pupils with special education needs should have their needs met.
  • Pupils special educational needs will normally be met in the mainstream classroom.
  • Pupils views should be sought and taken into account.
  • Parents/Carers have a vital role to play in supporting their child's education and therefore good home-school links are established. 

The Disability Discrimination Act establishes a requirement to avoid discrimination on the grounds of disability. The Governing Body must make certain that pupils with disabilities are not subjected to less favourable treatment and must make reasonable adjustments to overcome disadvantages caused by disability.
The school has adopted Stockport's policy with regard to the Disability Discrimination Act and to Stockport's Access Strategy Plan.  The school is single storey with a ramp access.

We aim to offer every pupil, including children with special educational needs, a broad and balanced curriculum to enable them to make the greatest possible progress, in partnership with parents and with support from the appropriate agencies.  Children who may have special educational needs are identified as early as possible.  These may include gifted children, children with general learning difficulties, children with specific learning difficulties, the speech and hearing impaired, those with visual disabilities, physical disabilities and children with emotional and behavioural problems.  These children are monitored carefully and given individual consideration and attention.  Local Authority and Department for Education guidelines are followed by all staff.

The school has a full Special Needs Policy, a designated SEND Leader who is a member of the School Leadership Team and an Inclusion Governor.

St Simon's Catholic Primary School aims to provide opportunities for all pupils to achieve their full potential, to extend and develop individual excellence and aptitude and to recognise and celebrate the range of pupils' gifts, talents and abilities.