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Welcome to the PTA section.


We are very fortunate to have an active group of parents who work hard to organise events for children and their families in our school.

The PTA exists to fulfil two roles,

  • To raise much needed funds for the school, through a range of events, such as Christmas Fairs, Discos, Summer Fairs, Bingo, Quiz Nights etc.
  • To provide the social link between school staff, parents and children, providing people with the opportunity to meet and make new friends, socialise and have FUN! 

The children benefit socially, financially and emotionally from the work of the PTA and the work we do helps to enrich the caring atmosphere which is vital to the happiness of our school family. 

All parents and staff are automatically members of the PTA and we depend on the support of all adults involved with the school.  The PTA committee is elected annually to organise and co-ordinate the various events.  The committee meet on a monthly basis, you may not be able to make these meetings but may be able to help out in other ways, sharing a talent, setting out or clearing up after an event, securing raffle prizes or helping with craft events in school.  We are grateful for whatever you are able to offer.

Their incredible fundraising has recently raised enough money to buy us a defibrillator, iPads, reading books for Key Stage 1 and EYFS, the trim trail, Pantos for the whole school to enjoy and contributions to the year 6 leavers trip.  The PTA meet every month and are always keen for new faces to join them.  If you are interested, please speak to Katie Mills and Stacey Karagyozova in the school playground at the end of the day.  

If you would like to be involved, please register your details at