Admissions Policies
Admission Arrangements to Reception
As a Voluntary Aided school, the Governing Body is the Admissions Authority for St Simon's and is responsible for taking decisions on applications for admissions. All schools have a limit on the number of children to be admitted into the Reception class each year; this has been set for the 2024 intake at 30 for St Simon's.
By law, a parent must arrange for their child to start school at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday unless they have made other suitable arrangements. In Stockport, there is a policy of planned earlier admission to primary education.
ALL children aged 4+ years start school in one Reception intake in September.
Children born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020 will be able to apply for a place at St Simon's to start in September 2024.
How do I apply for a September 2024 place in the Reception Class at St Simon's?
You should apply on-line at by Monday 15th January 2024.